Inspirational Quotes and Poems from Writers

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Winning doesn’t always mean being first, winning means you are doing better than before
Aug 4, 2009, 11:43 am ISTInspirational QuotesAazad Staff
Inspirational and Motivational Writings from Other Writers
  Inspirational and Motivational Writings from Other Writers

All Power is within you!!
All Power is within you
you can do anything and every thing.
Believe in that
do not believe that you are weak.

STAND up and express the divinity within you.

Action awakens interest and enthusiasm more than anything else.
It is impossible to be merely theoretical enthusiast.
determination and persistence are necessary also.
It is helpful also to get into the company of enthusiastic people in whatever line you are following.
Share the company of enthusiasts, and like apiece of coal thrown into glowing embers, you are bound to take fire.

Every goal that is scored and every run that is made is the result of co-operative effort.
Boat race:Every man working in harmony with his colleague, that carrier them to victory.
It is called team-spirit, and it is an essential factor in every sport and just as essential in the game of business too.
Every business has its controlling force.
Keeping harmony in your work is the only way of ensuring its steady progress and your own peace of mind.

It is quite exciting to make out a programme of new things for the week. You will be surprised at the anticipation with which you approach each new item.
It is that feeling which gives confidence.
We speak with a degree of knowledge and authority.
With the growth of knowledge, we find this shyness disappearing.
So simple determination to do something different every day Holds the key.

Problem Solving
Most of us could increase our personal efficiency by formularising the way we attack many problems that now we tackle, hit or miss.
Problems and their solution should be studied as a separate art.
Being by knowing what your problem is; definition is often the hardest part.
Sometimes putting your problem into words proves you have no problems.
Asking question is the ABC of diagnosis.But you have to ask a precise question to get a precise answer.

I take an increasing pride in fulfilling every commitment.
I am becoming as dependable as a rock.
I make it a point of honour never to let people down at whatever cost to my life.
My word is my bond.
Unreliability is becoming increasingly foreign to my character.
I keep a diary for engagements and duties to be fulfilled.

A salesman may carry the finest quality goods,with every thing to help him, yet still came home with disappointingly low sales Why?
For each of the right kind of personality.
No gift what so ever for handling people.
Arousing their interest.
Winning them over and getting their orders.
These are qualities that are hard to define, but they are decisive as factors.

Enthusiasm like that brings joy and zest to life.
It brings bounding energy and interest.
It brings friendship and success, for an enthusiastic person is an interesting person.
He enjoys living and other flock to share his joy.
Fortunately, enthusiasm can be cultivated.
Enthusiasm can be developed by anyone who is prepared to follow its rules as rigorously as a professional strong man does his exercises.

Never break for things in your life - Trust, Promise, Relation & Heart because when they
break they don’t make noise but pains a lot?

Leo Tolstoy
Every one thinks of changing the world,
but no one thinks of changing himself . . .

Thomas Edison
I will not say I failed 1000 times, I will say
that I discovered there are 1000 ways that can
cause failure - -

Bonnie Blair
Winning doesn’t alway’s
mean being first,
Winning means you’re
doing better than you’ve
done before -


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