Maharishi Dadhichi

Wednesday, Oct 23, 2024 | Last Update : 01:46 AM IST

Maharishi Dadhichi

The samadhi sthal of Maharishi Dadhichi is at Sitapur, about 60 km from Lucknow, Uttarpradesh. This is a very sacred place and every year on Falgun purnima 84 kosi yatra and 5 ( panch kosi) yatra is organised by the UP state wherein appx.20 lac people participate.
Nov 15, 2009, 10:49 am ISTIndiansSarita Pant
Maharishi Dadhichi
  Maharishi Dadhichi

Maharishi Dadhichi
Blessed are those who lived for others. Maharishi Dadhichi is an example of such a unique person he used to live in an ashram. He was a learned person. The frame of his knowledge had spread far and wide. Whenever he got time after teaching, he spends that time in praying to god.

Once a fierce war was fought between the devils and the god, the war went on for a very long period. Afraid of being defeated, the gods approached their king Indra .Indra went to Brahma ji for the solution of that problem. So Brahma ji sent Indra to Maharishi Dadhichi, he also tell him the solution of that problem that only From his bones a weapon called " VagraAstra " can be made which will help them in the war. Indra, in the attire of a Bramahin, went to the ashram.

Dadhichi deep inside could recognized him .Indra got puzzled and pleaded to be forgiven .Maharishi said that know one gets benefitted by cheating Maharishi declared that his body was for charity and he inhaled deeply. After some time his body became lifeless Indra took out the bones of Maharishi and made "VagraAstra".with this weapon Indra killed a devil named "Vratrasur" The Gods had their victory over demons.

A learned, benovalent and devoted person like Dadhichi is to be very rarely found. Taking Inspiration from our ancestors, we should adopt their virtues in our life.

Contribution From Readers:

The samadhi sthal of Maharishi Dadhichi is at Sitapur , about 60 km from Lucknow , Uttarpradesh. This is a very sacred place and every year on Falgun purnima 84 kosi yatra and 5 ( panch kosi) yatra is organised by the UP state wherein approax 20 lac people participate.


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